
Webinar Hub Forma Camera

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Webinar Hub is the platform that Atlas created and activated for Forma Camera in order to allow companies in Rome and its province to use training audiovisual content - both live and on demand - on the current topics of greatest interest.

As the installation and configuration of the broadcasting server that allows the reproduction of videos is completed and the private system for organizing and publishing content is created, the two companies are now working together to manage the platform by populating it in accordance with a shared editorial plan. This will maximize Forma Camera’s commitment to implementing courses and making the user experience simple and fulfilling.

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viale XXI Aprile 61

00162 Roma (RM)


via Dell'indipendenza 42

40121 Bologna (BO)


VAT no. IT 01972120669

Ufficio delle imprese di Roma

REA RM-1508841

Capitale sociale €10000 I.V.

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