Atlas Consulting

What we do, how we do it, our team

We help the growth and positioning of companies and organisations with technology, to improve operations, analyse market strategies and strengthen stakeholder connections.

We create econometric prediction models and analyse human flows by measuring shifts, frequencies, stay times, and other quantitative measures related to an identifiable target community.

We have a research, design, and development department consisting of senior developers and system architects, information analysts, graphic designers, and certified OpenText™ consultants. The team is in charge of developing API-based digital platforms, online and mobile applications, software for IoT devices, hyperautomation tools based on IA engines, visual communication and brand identity design, and UI/UX design.

We use agile methodologies, and our operations prioritise open and free formats and protocols.


Atlas srl is certified ISO9001:2015 and adopts this Quality Management System (PDF in Italian).

Get in touch

viale XXI Aprile 61

00162 Roma (RM)


via Dell'indipendenza 42

40121 Bologna (BO)


Our team


Luca Di Bartolomei

Fondatore, imprenditore, scrittore, giurato, economista, sportivo, e niente di tutto questo.


Stefano Rosanelli

CTO, Software Architect, music nerd – allegedly.


Armando Durazzo

Senior strategy consultant e project manager; esperto di data analysis e Fantacalcio.


Christiano xho Presutti

Head of Communication, futbologo.


Alberto Pagliarini

Architetto software, sviluppatore Full-Stack, designer e sviluppatore di soluzioni API REST.


Dante Di Domenico

Back-End Developer & DevOps engineer.


Davide Rovai

OTX Consulant, Sviluppatore Full-Stack, Dungeon Master e gamer accanito.


Niki Corradetti

{A.I., FS-Dev} ∩ {Arch} ∈ Work,

{Swords, Heavy Metal} ∈ Life


Giorgio Ceragioli

OpenText Business Analyst, account di diversi progetti e quota toscana di Fumettocrazia


Paolo Santarsiero

Sviluppatore Full-Stack e Back-End, Mobile Developer, DevOps Engineer, amante della natura e dell’adrenalina.


Roberta Leandri

Media analyst, digital communication specialist, geek appassionata di Matematica e impegnata nel sociale. 


Giangi Vigazzola

Sviluppatore full stack, Database Engineer, Cuoco



Customer relations e mascotte del gruppo, a trazione anteriore.

Atlas logo

viale XXI Aprile 61

00162 Roma (RM)


via Dell'indipendenza 42

40121 Bologna (BO)


VAT no. IT 01972120669

Ufficio delle imprese di Roma

REA RM-1508841

Capitale sociale €10000 I.V.

© 2025 Atlas srl

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