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Studiare Sviluppo / EDUFIN Committee

Financial education, a child's play

Financial education – i.e. learning about the main financial instruments and the basic working of markets – is one of the main aims of the Ministry of Economy, the Bank of Italy and the banking and insurance system as a whole.

A good level of literacy on these issues makes it possible to better manage savings and protect oneself from scams and deception.

In order to provide a better approach to such an important and complex topic, that is at the same time affordable and even fascinating, Atlas – in collaboration with Studiare Sviluppo and the Committee for Financial Education – has turned it into an interactive web-based game: a path of knowledge and learning, but also a playful moment between questions to be answered and steps to be overcome.

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viale XXI Aprile 61

00162 Roma (RM)


via Dell'indipendenza 42

40121 Bologna (BO)


VAT no. IT 01972120669

Ufficio delle imprese di Roma

REA RM-1508841

Capitale sociale €10000 I.V.

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