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RVGL/Game Hub

Cinecittà, videogiochi tra festival e laboratorio

Labs, panels, lectio magistralis dedicated to the discovery and use of gaming in the educational, scientific, didactic, artistic and cultural spheres at the Rome VideoGame Lab, for five years promoted by Cinecittà Spa in collaboration with Ministries, Universities and CNR.

Atlas gave its contribution by taking care of the communication – from the press office to social media – of this successful experience and of the Cinecittà Game Hub, an accelerator that brings together audiovisuals and video games, increasingly and dialectically overlapping, so creating entire digital worlds with virtual reality.

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viale XXI Aprile 61

00162 Roma (RM)


via Dell'indipendenza 42

40121 Bologna (BO)


VAT no. IT 01972120669

Ufficio delle imprese di Roma

REA RM-1508841

Capitale sociale €10000 I.V.

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