
A thousand steps through Rome

A series of events with archaeologists, historians and art scholars

A series of events with great archaeologists, historians, and scholars of art and literature called "A Thousand Steps Through Rome," held inside Rinascente's flagship store on Via del Tritone in Rome.

Rinascente has been the oldest and most valuable brand of the large-scale distribution of the beautiful and good in Italy since the early twentieth century.

An ideal walk through the city and its history, starting from a special place marked by the presence of the ancient Roman aqueduct Virgo.

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viale XXI Aprile 61

00162 Roma (RM)


via Dell'indipendenza 42

40121 Bologna (BO)


VAT no. IT 01972120669

Ufficio delle imprese di Roma

REA RM-1508841

Capitale sociale €10000 I.V.

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